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BRANDRUP FLYOUT/MOSQUITO NET tailgate window Mercedes-Benz V-Class Marco Polo & HORIZON & ACTIVITY (2014 ➞) 102 150 223
BRANDRUP FLYOUT/MOSQUITO NET tailgate window Mercedes-Benz V-Class Marco Polo & HORIZON & ACTIVITY (2014 ➞) 102 150 223 Brandrup 107.00 InStock 102 150 223 FLYOUT tailgate window Mercedes-Benz V-Class Marco Polo & HORIZON & ACTIVITY (2014 ➞) For the optional pop-up window in the tailgate window the new FLYOUT tailgate window Mercedes-Benz V-Class Marco Polo & Horizon & Activity (2014 ➞) is ideal.  FLYOUT is attached densly with hook-and-loop fastener. If you take a pet with you in the vehicle, the window can remain open with the AIR-SAFE for the tailgate window and with FLYOUT preventing the entering of insects. (not midge proof) The FLYOUT for the tailgate window can be used simultaneously with the FLYOUT for the tailgate opening: Both mosquito nets can remain installed and ensure the corresponding demanded protection against insects. The FLYOUT for the tailgate window can be rolled to one side completely if you desire a completely free entrance to the interior.  Made in Germany.

BRANDRUP FLYOUT/MOSQUITO NET tailgate window Mercedes-Benz V-Class Marco Polo & HORIZON & ACTIVITY (2014 ➞) 102 150 223

Supply to order - more stock expected 14/02/2025
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FLYOUT tailgate window Mercedes-Benz V-Class Marco Polo & HORIZON & ACTIVITY (2014 )

For the optional pop-up window in the tailgate window the new FLYOUT tailgate window Mercedes-Benz V-Class Marco Polo & Horizon & Activity (2014 ) is ideal. 

FLYOUT is attached densly with hook-and-loop fastener. If you take a pet with you in the vehicle, the window can remain open with the AIR-SAFE for the tailgate window and with FLYOUT preventing the entering of insects. (not midge proof)

The FLYOUT for the tailgate window can be used simultaneously with the FLYOUT for the tailgate opening: Both mosquito nets can remain installed and ensure the corresponding demanded protection against insects.

The FLYOUT for the tailgate window can be rolled to one side completely if you desire a completely free entrance to the interior. 

Made in Germany.


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